Land: Thailand

Natural products for aquarium fish and shrimps Tantora Shrimp Food and Water Conditioners tantora’s Catappa Leaves (Indian Almond Leaves ,IAL ,Ketapang , Seemandelbaumblätter tantora’s Dried Mulberry Leaves tantora’s Catappa Bark tantora’s Dri ...
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Leader of trading and exporter supply variety of freshwater  tropical fish and aquatic plants for aquarium importer and wholesaler from Thailand ,we supplies all kind fo freshwatr tropical fish including discus, koi carp, betta, african cichlid, catf ...
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Through years of research, fish breeding and techniques have been developed and well established our farm leading to the success of mass breeding of many native ornamental fish and plant species. With our good experience and techniq ...
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Kategorie Zierfischzüchter

Aus dem ehemaligem traditionsreichen Familienbetrieb ist mittlerweile ein international agierender, moderner Koizucht-Betrieb geworden, der durch seine ausgezeichneten Kontakte zu Europa und die stetig steigende weltweite Nachfrage auf Expansion setzt.
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Kategorie Teichfischzüchter