Zolux & You

Tips from the Pros

In the Tips blog, find articles written by professionals (educator, veterinarian) to become knowledgeable about the needs of your animals. Cats, dogs, birds, small animals or aquarium fish will no longer have any secrets for you!

  • All about small animals grooming

    All about grooming for small animals

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  • Feeding wild birds

    C’est en hiver que les oiseaux sont les plus vulnérables. Dès qu’il va geler ou neiger de manière prolongée il sera intéressant de commencer le nourrissage pour faciliter la vie des oiseaux. Si vous commencez à les nourrir, il faudra continuer durant toute la période de froid pour ne pas créer de manque. Lorsque le printemps reviendra, vous pourrez arrêter le nourrissage de manière progressive pour que nos amis à plumes s’habituent petit à petit à aller chercher leur nourriture par eux-mêmes.

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  • Hamster and guinea pig habitat, nutrition and toys

    Guinea pigs are quieter but more sociable animals: they enjoy going out in the house or outdoor run, and spending time bonding with their master.

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  • Is it normal for my cat to stray?

    Predatory and reproductive urges cause cats to stray! Cats are first and foremost feline creatures who love hunting, especially at night. Furthermore, tomcats stray at night to find their “soul mate”.  What do veterinary surgeons recommend?

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Our commitments

Zolux is guided by 4 fundamental values day to day: respect, honesty, sustainable development, together with the protection of animal welfare. Our commitments stem from these values which we aim to apply in a practical way. Hence, Zolux supports numerous charities, such as animal shelters, clubs for animal lovers, and animal adoption organisations.  Discover them.

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